VIDEO: UNOSSC platform South-South Galaxy serves as an asset for IFP Fellows, strengthening international cooperation

By João Paulo Alves, Projects Coordinator
IBRAF Fellowship Program (IFP) has counted on the close collaboration with the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) and the South-South Galaxy platform. The database is available for IFP Fellows, facilitating connections with various stakeholders. The South-South Galaxy team has also provided a workshop to inform and engage the fellows on the platform, showing them how to take advantage of the content provided, as well as how to contribute to the platform’s development.
Fellows are also encouraged to identify and study South-South and Triangular Cooperation good practices and projects within their research areas, contributing to the expansion of the South-South Galaxy Solutions database. By mapping these initiatives, they can collaborate to raise awareness about the history and current development of international cooperation, their results and potential scalability, drawing on useful lessons for new interventions.
The IFP ultimately aims at strengthening the agenda of South-South and Triangular Cooperation, shedding light over its accomplishments, within the scope of scientific evidence, and providing policy makers and academics with useful insights on relevant themes. The IFP research fellows will become champions and active voices in the advocacy for South-South and triangular cooperation, taking foward these learnings for when they become the leaders of the future.
UNOSSC workshop is available in the video below.