IBRAF joins the 2024 Islamic Development Bank Group Annual Meetings

The president of the Brazil Africa Institute (IBRAF), Joao Bosco Monte, was invited to join the 2024 Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group Annual Meetings, which takes place in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 27th to 30th April 2024.

The debates are centered on this year’s theme “Cherishing our Past, Charting our Future: Originality, Solidarity, and Prosperity”, offering decision-makers a platform to discuss challenges facing IsDB member countries and explore existing and potential opportunities.

During the occasion, Professor João Bosco Monte presented the Youth Technical Training Program, IBRAF’s flagship capacitation project tailored to African young professionals. The YTTP, developed on a South-South Cooperation capacity, will select one thousand students from several African nations, who will join a two-week learning path in the state of Bahia, Northeast of Brazil. 

“The social and economic development we see after this program is fantastic. The kids that come to Brazil will be the catalyzers of these activities when they come back home”, explained Professor João Bosco Monte to CNBC Africa.

The first 2024 YTTP class, coming from Sierra Leone, arrives in Brazil in June 2024. “I am sure these one thousand can be multiplied by five thousand, ten thousand, and very soon we will see the impact, and the results in the communities where they are located”, concluded the president of the Brazil Africa Institute.

Brazil Africa Forum 2024

Also during the event, Professor João Bosco launched the 2024 edition of the Brazil Africa Forum (forumbrazilafrica.com), which this year will discuss the theme “Infrastructure Investment to Boost Sustainable Development in Brazil and Africa”. This is IBRAF’s crucial platform for addressing pressing global challenges and nurturing dialogue among leaders from around the world. The event will be held in Sao Paulo, on the 7th and 8th of October.