Head of UNIDO mission in Brazil underlines opportunities for cooperation with Africa in the “Seminar Renewable Energy in Brazil and Africa”

The opportunities for cooperation and technology-transfer between Brazil and Africa have a prominent place on the most updated discussions and this is the point that the Head of the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Mission in Brazil and Venezuela, Alessandro Amadio, intends to highlight in the “Seminar Renewable Energy in Brazil and Africa: The Clean Engines of Economic Development’‘, carried out by the Brazil Africa Institute.

When it comes to technology transfer and investment to Africa, Brazil is very well placed. The background and knowledge of similar climatic and geographic conditions as well as the businesspeople mind-set are fit to address African’s challenges that ‘Western’ providers strive to master. And the renewable energy sector makes no exception”, Amadio states.

The Seminar is bringing together a distinguished group of panelists to dig into climate change and the key trends in the energy sector, highlighting the potential for investments and unveiling new technologies.

UNIDO’s actions in Brazil are focused on the implementation of technical cooperation projects in the fields of renewable energy, waste management, refrigeration and air conditioning, productivity and multi-stakeholder collaboration. UNIDO’s key priority in the country is to promote a circular economy that encompasses productivity, economic growth and environmental sustainability.

The Brazilian agribusiness has perfection business models where clean engines power the economic development, business models that proved to be profitable, reliable and resilient, including during the COVID-19 pandemic”, says Alessandro Amadio.

The Seminar will be 100% online and held on March 30th. The programme will focus on the three pillars of sustainable development: environmental, economic and social. The goal is to promote in-depth discussions on sustainable economic development in response to the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Seminar is supported by UNIDO, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), the Standard Bank, and the BrazAfric Enterprises.

Registrations are open: https://ibraf.org/projects/renewable-energy-seminar/