Brazil Africa Institute offers seminar on the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela
The Brazil Africa Institute is holding a seminar on “The life and legacy of Nelson Mandela” next Thursday, July 18, at 4pm, in the Jardel Filho Room of the São Paulo Cultural Center (CCSP). The event is part of the program for the exhibition “Mandela, Ícone Mundial de Reconciliação”, on show at the CCSP until August 30, 2024.
The seminar will feature Professor Matilde Ribeiro, a lecturer at the University for the International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (Unilab) and former Minister of the Special Secretariat for Policies to Promote Racial Equality, and Ambassador Antonio Augusto Martins Cesar, Director of the Africa Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The moderator will be Duncan Chaloba, professor of Economics at PUC-Campinas.
The debates will address Mandela’s strategies for promoting peace and reconciliation, the impact of his leadership on South Africa and the world, and the importance of forgiveness in stabilizing fragmented societies. The fight against racism and discrimination, and education as a tool for social and economic development, as envisioned by Mandela, will also be discussed.
The event takes place in the context of Nelson Mandela International Day, also known as Mandela Day, established by the UN in 2009 in recognition of Mandela’s contribution to world peace and freedom. All those interested are invited to take part in this important debate on his legacy and contemporary relevance.
Seminar: The Life and Legacy of Nelson Mandela
Date: Thursday, July 18, 2024, 4 p.m.
Venue: Sala Jardel Filho – Centro Cultural São Paulo (Rua Vergueiro, 1000 – Liberdade, São Paulo)
Free admission